Card Debt Consolidation combines your existing credit card debts into one with fixed installments, offering an effective solution for high-interest balances. repayment plan will be designed to align with your financial budget.
We provides convenient and hassle-free approval for personal loans. 15-minute approval after complete document submission. Same-day payment via FPS or cheque upon signing the agreement, ensuring funds are readily available.
Debt consolidation eases the burden of debt and prevents continuous interest accumulation. If a borrower has substantial debt, resulting in high monthly repayments relative to their income, it can cause financial strain. In such cases, a debt consolidation loan offers relief from debt.
We provide renovation loans for public housing, Home Ownership Scheme, and private property owners. These unsecured personal loans require no income proof or collateral for self-owned properties, with exemption from mortgage registration with the Land Registry.
Loan Calculator
Monthly repaymentHK$856
Loan Calculator
Monthly repaymentHK$856